30 Aug 2018

You Shouldn’t Integrate The Auto-Playing Video On The Landing Page


Techugo Pvt. Ltd.

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Landing Page

The very concept of app landing page or the Promotional Website really triggers many sets of expectations, excitement, and enthusiasm amongst the owners and believe me this very concept also results in great consequences, which only lets more revenue to build up for your business.

Indeed the benefits and the advantages of oozing out of the promotional website are way too many to be mentioned herewith in this blog, yet I would like to draw your attention towards some of the essentials which can stoop down your promotional website to the level, which can only bring no benefit, despite having so much of potential.

Out of all, one aspect which really bugs down your promotional website is the Auto-Playing videos.


I expected this reaction, and believe me I am not at all surprised with this sort, since I was very much aware of the fact that many people live with a misconception that a VIDEO sets the brand apart and is an innovative concept.

And relatively I too am a part of this clan, who believed in this ideology for a long, but it is not sadly 

No don’t take my words wrong, since it also doesn’t mean that videos are not worthy of your promotional website, but what am I referring to here is the Auto-Playing videos. 


Video on a homepage can create the brand awareness for your business and this strategy is a very much part of your incredible marketing strategy and leads your business to an effective lead conversion funnel.

If you look closely then you would be surprised to find out that a Promotional Website, is basically a hub of lead generation, but having an auto-playing video on the landing page of the website often leaves your visitors to get irritated.

I know it sounds very disturbing, as for a long we have been told that video always brings benefits…

To help you understand, we have brought this post herewith to let you take a look at why you must avoid the auto-playing video on their landing page…

Just read further…

  • It Kills The Performance of Your Web Page

An app gets the attention of the targeted audience through the landing page, and this is the only space which only carves out an impression for your mobile application, and let the users find out about it.

It is the gateway which offers your customers a peep into your service or product, much before your app comes into existence in the real world and gains the audience.

An auto-playing video keeps your website performance sluggish and can slow down your website’s performance.

  • It Increases The Cognitive Load

First of all the question would be around what is cognitive load?

The stress users put on their brain to comprehend what this website has to offer, defines the cognitive load.

I think it takes no surprise for anyone that unless the visitors experience a seamless website, they cannot perform the required action through the website.

By adding a number of an auto-playing video on your homepage, you only let your users to get burdened with the cognitive load, and they would be confused enough to use which part of the website and it would only irritate them more.

A website needs to be seamless with its design and UI and must not throw the ambiguity in any sense and sadly the waiting time on your website increases drastically with an auto-playing video.

Hence an auto-playing option must be avoided to trigger the excitement button amongst the users.

  • It Deviates Users’ Attention

An auto-playing video means a video which does not need any guidance to be opened, but something which plays on its own.

When something on its own gets played, then it eventually directs the users’ attention towards it and instead of staying engaged with the services they are looking for, they would find themselves engaged with the video, rather with the services.

This would snatch a bite of potential attention from your users and turns out to be a bigger distraction.


This was my question and concern as well, so on the basis of my own and personal experience, I would like to narrate the solution, which can make you comprehend the reality behind it.

First and the foremost, remember there is a thin line difference between video marketing and auto-playing video.

Both of these aspects are different, but have their own specific set of significance.

A video is the most attractive option for your customers and let them delve further, to understand your product and services more deeply, but if not played well with this strategy, this can churn out the interest of the users to a larger extent, which can leave your app drained from the engagement perspective.

Thus an auto-playing option must be kept at the arm’s length when you are using on your Promotional Website, for any other marketing, this option can work but not for the initial time of website.

Because, this would only result in turning your Promotional Website into an advertisement which may or may not spike the interest of the users and draw them to the sales funnel.

Hence, you need to carve out a delightful marketing experience to your users, but you must not proceed with an auto-playing option in the initial time since it would draw the distraction from your app and its sales aim.

So my final advice is to add every possible feature into the landing page, which can make an aura around your brand with the relevant strategies, and create an illusion for your brand, letting your customers visualize what exactly your app holds in its bucket to serve you better.

But this can only happen when you decide to proceed with a leading iphone application development company, who has the exposure and the expertise to address your business needs with the right and most accurate strategies integrated within your mobile app development process.

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