The New Year 2017 has finally and happily crossed the mid-life of its very first month and has given an exciting plethora for our yet-to-be filled promises, hopes and dreams to be achieved; I welcomed this year with the hope of everything to turn from better to stupendous. I don’t want to sound overrated with the flow of my words, but am helpless since my job role of a CEO of Techugo- a top mobile app development company in India, always pushes me forward to attain the excellence, which can be crooned afterwards through the success graph. Social media handling has been a ubiquitous part of my profile, since it is the most convenient and comfortable medium to communicate with the clients. Certainly, I have reached to a level in my career and experience, where I can never be taken as neophyte, although there is always a room for more learning, but my indulgence with the social media channel, almost for 24/7, has made me understand the accurate usage of technology with social media.
LinkedIn and Its affects
Somehow, the quintessence within me always shouts for more and beseech me to not to settle for anything better than perfect. I want everything to be impeccable enough to meet my level of expectations, maybe I might sound a little cynical with my approach to most out there, but this approach is not at all incapacitate in any aspect. Everything needs refurbishing to meet the standards of current demand, every technology, gadgets and devices need the change and get the constant renovation. To illustrate my point further, let me take the example of FB, YouTube and many other social media channels, which have received a remarkable overhaul, fitting the taste of their user’s demand. I always yearned my favorite social media channel: LinkedIn, also to change its look for something better. LinkedIn has been one of the most vital elements for every industry professionals, boosting the career graph, hiring and getting hired, as well as for business-to-business (B2B) activities. I feel proud to admit that I have gained and earned lifetime relationships through LinkedIn and has remained in touch with people in my industry and niche, also, I have built strong, long-lasting connections with them only through my LinkedIn account.
The NEW LinkedIn UI
I read it somewhere, “If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies “, which actually implies assertively on every situation and digs out the optimism hidden within us. In the month of September, 2016, I read an article stating that LinkedIn is all set to change its appearance next year 2017. My demanding schedule almost left me with zero visible memory of LinkedIn overhaul, until I came this morning, and enjoyed myself being amused. Although the changes have occurred at the moment for the Premium account, but it may cover the basic account type too.
The new UI is a perfect amalgamation of insight, strategy, fresh ideas, and resources designed to gain the reinforcement and results. The new change is not something which can be let passed, but is a phenomenal change, which can never be missed. When I opened my LinkedIn profile I was absolutely stunned to see the transformation it has got, the new desktop design, reflects the app launched on your mobile, on an honest note, I had to re-check, on the right top corner icon, whether I have clicked LinkedIn account or some other website is opened. But to soothe me down further, I found the most fascinating feature of messaging, which comes as a drop down icon in right below corner of the page, the other features, such as: Ads, more, Jobs, home, etc., are designed so well with the interactive symbols and icons, would instantly give you a feel to click on the icons without a delay. To summarize it further, let’s take a look at below-mentioned points:
The profile view has taken a new turn with new LinkedIn UI, not just with a look, but the way new expressive content has been utilized to add a section to the profile, is commendable. The alignment of the profile is in the left but is wide and the font style and the new tags make it different place to land on.
The other striking feature is new Menu Icons, which are replaced with some new features, such as: jobs, ads and the most interesting ME icon, at the third left icon from the left, which on being clicked, takes you directly to the profile view.
One other added icon in the menu bar of LinkedIn is More, which has ample of new features, like : learning, post a job, groups, ProFinder, lookup and slideshare, which allow the users to access to numerous services with a mere click from your homepage only. The show more option at the below of more icon, has different service option to be relished by the users.
With the previous version of LinkedIn, you had to click on the message box at the right corner to access the read/send messages, but the new LinkedIn has changed the game of messaging, making it exclusive and classy enough. Now users can access the messages section to read/send/new chat everything involves in messaging, as a drop down feature at the below right side corner of the page. It will not be wrong to say, this feature will gain the maximum popularity, since it is designed from the user’s perspective.
On the home page, now LinkedIn lets the user to ‘add profile in another language’, so language is no more a barrier to reach your potential customers globally.
This section has also overhauled completely, unlike the previous version, the new LinkedIn, offers the same information with some new added icons and changed language, which makes it irresistible for the users.
For a new user it would be a pleasing affair to use, but for an existing user, this change is actually beyond the contentment, which can never be explained further in words. I am all set to spend some time learning and exploring the new layout and structure to share my valuable experience further and enjoy the NEW and exciting UI of LinkedIn. For sure, the UI has been incorporated very well within the NEW LinkedIn and you feel eager to understand the features quickly, am positive about replenishing the new business opportunities and building the brand, with the new LinkedIn outlook.
I am so very thankful to the entire LinkedIn team, who put their sheer efforts to create a sensational experience for all the LinkedIn users across the globe, and my team at Techugo, who takes pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups, would certainly benefit to grow exponentially to gain the new heights of success.
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