23 Feb 2017
Updated on July 19th, 2019

What To Avoid in Mobile App Marketing


Ankit Singh

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mobile application marketing

Having said that the micro-moments of our daily lives are highly affected by the mobile apps today would not be wrong, since technology is the most trending feature and has given birth to the most beautiful aspect in the form of mobile apps. Mobile apps are not minutely handled by the development only, but the actual story starts when you start to market your mobile app and you find something is wrong. Well, it’s not always the scenario that whatever you cook would always be relished by your users, unless it is in their interests and off course served on their favorite plate.

I might have confused you further, by offering a soup of mix and unknown ingredients, just to expand it further, your mobile app needs marketing after the launch and you can’t expect your guardian angel to save you every time, but would expect you to utilize your brains and implement what works best for your mobile app. We all love creativity and trying it in different ways to fit our needs is actually a need of today’s time, you create the best mobile app with in-demand concept, but when it came to inform users, you missed it and let the luck favor the best. You need to comprehend and accept this fact very wisely that even if your mobile app is the most happening mobile app, but if it is not marketed well, and then it can never create a stir in the market. There are certain Don’ts to be followed religiously while opting for a healthy app marketing strategy. Let’s explore further…

Don’t Speak Too Technical

You are an impeccable technical guy, your technical expertise cannot even be challenged, but what you forget here, that your users are not as technical as you are, so speak in a language which they can relate to. The content integrated in your app marketing should be user friendly and must not focus only on what the features your mobile app offers, rather it should also focus on that how users can benefit from it, for instance, if you have restaurant mobile app, then it should not speak what are the features offered by your mobile app, but also that how a user can benefit from those features.

Don’t Bug Your Users

We understand that app marketing, is a vast field and yet to be explored further by most of us and it has created some of the best possible solutions for your business, but what is the most painful aspect of any app marketing is, when you get a feedback stating that this app sends unnecessary messages, oops, something was broken within, but is a harsh fact, so accept it. Just brush your memory and re-think, why do you choose for DND service from your mobile operators, reason is simple you get bugged, although some other people around the world must be opting for the offered services also, but those who don’t want they opt for DND. Unfortunately, your mobile app does not support DND service, but uninstall or notification off for pop-up messages only, although sending messages is a part of your marketing strategy, but if you fail to identify the targeted user base, then your app will never gain the positive image.

Don’t Let Your Heart Rule

A very famous perception amongst the app developers is, that they trust their gut feelings more than the reports and research. Every app developer creates an emotional bond with their mobile app, during the process of app development, and most of them treat their mobile apps as their babies, where they eat, drink and even sleep the mobile app and make the final excellent output, but at times they make the app marketing decisions on the basis of their gut feeling or past experience, but not on the basis of the research result, which most of the time gets clashed with their beliefs. So just take a deep breath, it is 100% true that you can never think wrong for your mobile app, but you need to trust on the opinions and views shared by your marketing team, since they combine their marketing tactics with the demand of your mobile app, to give a final app marketing strategy.

Don’t Avoid Testing 

I downloaded an app few months ago and found it full of bugs and I ended up uninstalling it, later I was told by my colleague that it was in testing mode not the final and now the final version is available, I was appalled to know that why the developer let the unfinished mobile app to get uploaded on the app store. Remember your mobile app if not finished, then is not required to be published on the app store, it will only create further ruckus for your mobile app health, since due to bugs, users will only leave the negative comments, to destroy the future of your mobile app before even it may start.

App marketing might sound an interesting term, but is very sensitive as well, if not handled with care it can damage or create your mobile app image in a jiffy. You need to pick the app marketing strategies, very carefully, don’t simply think that what worked for your last mobile app would work in your recent mobile app also, it is not always possible, due to the individual demand of every mobile app and its users. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way.

“You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement. “

You can reach us at:

Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

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