26 Apr 2022
Updated on December 29th, 2022

Elon Musk Buys Twitter: What’s Next?


Surbhi Bhatia

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Did you think Elon Musk’s bid on buying Twitter was a long shot? 

Well, what we had predicted a few weeks back has now come true! Tesla CEO and billionaire has now taken over the platform in a deal for $44 billion. 

While the deal seemed unlikely at first, the offer was considered seriously after Musk countered his pointers on the future finance of the potential purchase. 

But why would the world’s richest man buy a social media app like Twitter? 

Here we are spilling the beans on his plan! 

Musk has said that his objective is to promote free and open speech via the platform, that’ll highlight putting up the viewpoints. 

While Elon presented his plan, critics have openly expressed their concerns about opening the doors for extremist content. However, Tesla owner acknowledged in a TED interview that content moderation is going to be a part of one of the tweaks that are likely to be introduced. 

Musk has not been shy about debating the changes and issues he wants to fix; therefore, he openly expressed his love-hate relationship with Twitter to his 87 million followers. 

Are you intrigued to learn more about the changes that you’ll most likely witness on the platform soon? Here’s more! 

1. Tweaking of Content Moderation  

What is relevant or not so relevant to share on Twitter is one of the major topics Elon Musk has been tweeting about long before he disclosed the deal. For instance, one of Musk’s polls on Twitter in the last week of March was if the platform supports free speech. 

According to him, free speech is significant to a functioning democracy. Unsurprisingly, 70% out of the 2 million responses were negative, followed by another tweet by Musk asking for the solution. 

2. Tackling Crypto Scams 

Crypto scams have always been a real problem and have impacted Musk as scammers have tried to imitate him using fake social media accounts to acquire crypto from people. 

What’s more? 

Musk’s account was amongst one of the high-profile accounts that were muddled with to pull a bitcoin fraud, after which he lodged a complaint that the platform is emphasizing features like NFT profile pictures rather than combating scams. 

3. Edit Button

Being able to edit the tweets has been a long-asked request of the Twitter users; however, it hasn’t been emphasized much. Not to forget mentioning, the platform did introduce a way to undo tweets via its Twitter Blue $3-a-month subscription plan. 

Imagine typing a perfect 280-character opinion or whatsoever and hitting the ‘Tweet’ button, after which you realize a typo. Deleting the tweet sounds like a better idea than re-typing the entire thing! 

Musk’s tweet excited the users when he posted another poll asking if the audience would like an edit button or not, to which the responses were crazy! 

Playing the rewind button to 2020, Twitter presented its concerns about introducing the edit button that it could come up with issues as people will be able to alter their tweets to change their meaning. 

4. Twitter’s Algorithms 

Many Twitter users prefer viewing the tweets in chronological order; thus, the platform recently introduced a change that shows the algorithmic feed by default. 

Furthermore, Musk suggested making the algorithm open-source to let the audience know if their tweet was demoted or promoted. 

What are Your Thoughts?  

If you’re expecting things to change in a blink, the myth bubble needs to be busted since the process may take months. 

Social media apps can be complex and demand a lot of time to deliver a finely-developed product. Therefore, to ensure the delivery of an efficient app, the job must be assigned to the experts in social media app development

Do you agree? 

We all are excited to witness the transformation Musk will bring to the platform, are you?

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