27 Mar 2023
Updated on December 21st, 2023

How Much Does it Cost to Create a Mobile App in Dubai in 2024?


Shivani Singh

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How much does it cost to Create a Mobile App in Dubai

Do you really know what you ignore while turning your idea into an app? 

Yes, it is an app development cost !

All your investments, efforts, and time will be wasted if you don’t know what factors determine the app development cost and how to put your investment correctly. 

But don’t be worried!

We are here to help you with this full-fledged guide on simple budgeting tips for mobile app development cost in Dubai so that you can build your app idea without spending extra from your budget.  

Are you ready to delve deeper? 

If yes, move directly into this post. Here you will explore various factors influencing the app development budget. Also, learn some tips that reduce costs and help you develop your business with that saved amount.

Breaking down the app development cost in Dubai

Did you ever wonder why it is necessary to learn the app development cost beforehand?

You can reach your business goals sooner when you have an exact idea of how much you need to spend. However, an unauthorized budget and lack of planning can only lead to extended deadlines and immediate failures.  

What’s more?

You may not be able to meet your business goals and objectives. As a result, the urge to iterate, optimize, add features, and redesign your app will never be finished, and the dream of creating a sustainable product will never be turned into reality.  

So, what’s the solution?

That depends on how strongly you have researched the app development market and the sector for which you want to create a dynamic solution. Factors like app features, functionalities, tech stack, platform, and time to develop influence the app development cost. However, if you are looking for a formula that breakdowns the mobile app development cost, here it is: 

Mobile app development cost = Total development hours x Hourly rate of developers. 

Factors determining the custom app development cost

Do you ever wonder why most experts believe custom app development costs cannot be accurate?

It is all because custom app development depends on various factors articulated in the above para. Want to deep diver into the same?

Find out all factors and the explanation of how each one of them impacts the custom app development cost. 

  • App Complexity

If your app is complex, you may feel a burn in your pocket. 

Yes, that’s true!

The more complications present in your app, the more developers you require to resolve them, and they will ask for the energy, effort, and contributions they have been putting into your app. That’s why twists and difficulties in app development accelerate the cost of developing an app

  • Features

A well-defined feature set ensures an app’s traction in the market. However, you should avoid loading your app with unlimited features because it can irritate the users and lead to more uninstallation rates instead of creating a buzz in the market. 

The features list categorizes the app into three types simple, medium-complexity, and high-complexity. While a simple app does not cost much, a complex app can. So, choose wisely!

The example below will give you a complete insight into how app features influence the development cost.  

Suppose you are outside to buy a smartphone, and the salesperson offers you two different phones with different price ranges. If you have a fluctuating budget, you may go for the costlier ones with various features. However, you may choose the basic smartphone if you haven’t. 

  • UI/UX Design

A seamless, effective, and user-centric UI/UX design is another component that can raise the app development cost. Moreover, various tests in designing that ensure you are meeting the client’s needs impact the app development cost. Here are other things in UI/UX as well. Such as: 

  • Color psychology
  • Visual elements
  • UI optimization
  • Typography
  • Button placements
  • Portrait or landscape mode
  • Content writing
  • Branding


  • Team Size

The team of the mobile app development company in Dubai that you hire for building your app also impacts the cost. Here are all the members you require in a team for effective mobile app development.

  • 1-2 designers
  • 2-3 frontend developers
  • 1-2 project managers
  • 1-2 quality assurance analyst
  • 2-3 backend developers
  • 1-2 business analysts
  • App Platform

Android, iOS, Web, or cross-platform app development, what you want to pick is your initiative. However, we would advise you to opt for the native app development initially, then go for cross-platform if your application attracts your targeted audience, leads business expansion, and increases your reach in the market. 

  • Tech Stack

What kind of technologies you use in your app can also impact the overall app development cost. Different tech stacks are needed for mobile apps of various industries, providing solutions to different problems. You must check tech integration into your app before proceeding with the app development. Here is a tech stack for a basic android/iOS app. 

Tech Stack for Android Apps

  • Programming Languages: Java and Kotlin
  • UI Framework: Android UI and Jetpack Compose
  • Android App Development Tools: Android Studio

Tech Stack for iOS Apps

  • Programming Languages: Objective-C and Swift
  • UI Framework: UIKit and SwiftUI
  • iOS Mobile Development Tools: Xcode and AppCode
  • Maintenance 

How will you know your app will run free from bugs and issues? 

Well, it’s through maintenance that includes the charges for implementing new technologies and offering app upgrades instead of only making an app bug free. 

  • Location of the Development Team

The country and region where the on-demand app development company or your potential tech partners are located also influence the app development cost. 

What is the Hidden Cost of App Development?

Instead of all these, other factors that influence the app development cost are described in this section. Learning them will let you make better financial decisions as they will not suddenly disturb your budget. 

Let’s look at all factors determining the hidden cost of app development.

  • Third-party integration 

The cost can go high if you integrate these third parties. Such as: 

2. App Patent Costs

Buying an app patent can again add to the app development cost, but it is a warrior against competitors who can steal your app idea. 

3. Marketing Costs

Now that you have developed your app, what about marketing your app to attract users worldwide? Did you think about it? If not, then you must because app marketing can also increase the app development cost with charges like: 

  • Google reviews
  • Social networking
  • Ad promotion with ads
  • App store optimization

4. Backend Server Costs

The backend ensures syncing of user data on servers. 

But that’s not it!

Here is more that the backend server covers: 

  • It syncs the data with the cloud. 
  • Enable communication with users. 
  • Upload videos and images. 
  • Online data storing. 

Besides, other factors that add more to hidden development costs are hosting, support, data security, infrastructure, management, development license, and hosting. 

Tips to Decrease the App Development Cost

Now that you have learned about all factors influencing the app development cost, it’s time to learn about some tactics and techniques that can reduce the same. When you properly understand how to invest in app development, you will save more for other business core activities that bring growth opportunities. 

Here are some tactics to help you decrease your app development costs: 

  • Cross-platform app development

Cross-platform app development lets developers build applications that can run on all devices, such as Android, iOS, and the Web. You can save around 30% and more of your total budget with cross-platform app development, which is relevantly higher than native app development. With tools like Xamarin and Flutter, it gets easier to develop the apps.

  • Custom app Development

While using ready-made templates can increase the app development cost as you cannot edit or upgrade them according to the changing needs in the market, custom app development leads you to generate more revenue while allowing you to boost features and integrate robust technologies. Therefore, custom app development is essential for higher ROI and increased profitability. 

  • MVP

Did you know Uber, Airbnb, and Spotify were MVPs earlier, and they were developed into full-fledged applications with frequent upgrades and updates?

MVP is an excellent choice to test your app idea, like how it will perform in the market. If you have a low budget and want to get started in the app development industry, nothing is better than an MVP. Techugo, a top mobile app development company in Dubai, can help you develop your MVP. 

  • Design and Development

Instead of hiring different organizations for different phases of app development, get in touch with industry experts who will do everything in one place and help you turn your dream into reality in the possible time. 

Top Monetization Strategies to Earn Money from App

Until now, we have learned some tips and tactics to save some portions of money spent on app development. 

But what’s next? 

Can you earn money even after uploading an app on the Google Play Store or App Store?

Yes, you can!

With the monetization strategies discussed in this section, generating revenue from your app becomes more effortless. 

  • In-app advertising

Did you know that in-app advertising increase retention by 4x?

Yes, that’s true!

With in-app advertising, you can also open doors of opportunities to turn your app into a revenue-generated tool. 

Want to learn more? 

Book a consultation today with Techugo, a top mobile app development company

  • In-app purchase 

What makes monetization more effective is an in-app purchase. Various gaming apps follow this strategy to unlock several tools, weapons, and characters in their games for users when they make payments. Besides, it increases consumer satisfaction as they receive instant benefits. 

  • Subscription

Can you tell us the last time you paid a subscription for an app?

Many enterprises prefer app subscriptions over anything. The reason is it cultivates substantial and sustainable growth in revenue. Moreover, users are ready to pay for an app monthly, quarterly, and yearly if it adds value to their lives. 

  • Freemium 

This model is applied to those apps which let users access the basic features freely. However, they need to pay a certain amount to use the premium features. 

Don’t you know about popular apps using the freemium model?

Linkedin, Dropbox, Evernote, and Skype prefer this model to bring new customers through the doors and increase their profit ratio. 

  • One-time fees

If you provide unique and quality services to users, they will not hesitate to pay a one-time fee.  

Right, isn’t it?

If you want to monetize your app, make it as unique as possible because it will compel users to buy and use your digital solution over other options. 

How to find the right app development company?

Another important aspect of app development budgeting is finding the right app development company that builds your dream product and meets all your business requirements. To find your potential technology partner, here are significant steps you need to follow: 

  • Type of application   

Try to find out what type of application works best for your organization. Then, jot down your requirements, and finalize your budget, app design, and the deadline for the app development. After this, you will be able to find a skilled company. 

  • Full-Stack App Development Company

An experienced company with years of experience building robust and power-packed digital solutions can lead your project ahead. A top-notch app development company like Techugo has built over 750 dynamic applications. We have the expertise you are searching for in a company, and to let you achieve the extra mile, our high-graded developers are always ready and prepared. 

  • Look at the company’s portfolio

Now that you have finalized some companies, check out their portfolios to distinguish between their services, expertise, experience, tech knowledge, awards & recognitions, and products delivered. Ensure to choose the one that has developed a wide range of apps for various clients of all domains.

  • Interview their knowledge and expertise

If you are still in doubt about their knowledge and expertise, ensure to interview the app developers of the picked company. You can ask questions about past projects and how they will fulfill your custom requirements. It will help you better decide whether they are a perfect fit for your project. 

How can our high-graded developers at Techugo help?

An experienced and dedicated app development company like Techugo does not only end its job with designing, developing, and delivering digital solution to its clients but also provide constant support and maintenance. 

We are always there for you, from ideation to publishing and support & maintenance. As we provide every resource in one place, you are not required to spend more, thus saving the app development cost. 

Want to learn more about how we can help you skyrocket your business growth with app development?

Get in touch today with our team of experts. 


1. How can I build a mobile app for my business?

To build your own mobile app, you must follow these steps: 

  • Research your market. 
  • Acknowledge the targeted audience. 
  • Pick a monetization model. 
  • Connect with a dedicated app development company.
  • Create the app’s wireframe. 
  • Decide on what features and technologies you want to use. 
  • Start the UI/UX design process
  • Check the quality of your app. 
  • Publish the app on App Store or Google Play Store.
  • Prefer maintenance as per the changing market needs. 

2. How much does it cost to build an app in the UAE?

The cost to build an app depends on various factors such as app complexities, features, UI/UX design, team size, tech stack, third-party integration, app platform, maintenance, app development time, and location of the development team. Book a consultation today with Techugo if you want to know the cost of building an app

3. How to monetize an app?

Here are various ways through which you can monetize your app. 

  • Subscription
  • In-app advertising
  • Freemium
  • In-app purchase
  • One time purchase

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