27 Oct 2016
Updated on July 29th, 2020



Ankit Singh

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eLearning mobile app

E-learning or most commonly known as M-learning is the modern way of learning; it is performed through computers and online education.

And this very technology has already been adopted by many educational institutions like schools and colleges, training institutions. 

Further such platform is getting a strong presence in the market amid Coronavirus scare.

We all love to gain knowledge, but the demanding schedule, traveling distance; despite the fact we all want to gain education in the most effective way possible.

Indeed, e-learning is not the latest trend, but the necessity of today’s time; people get the relevant study material and training as per their convenience. E-learning is a business activity and a very huge industry.

A quick word about e-learning

Mobile learning or e-learning has vast benefits. The first benefit you receive is instant access to the material for your professional space; where your staff can easily access training resources, whenever they need it. 

It helps the employees to learn anywhere, anytime as per their convenience and they would not be solely dependent on offline study material. The technology used can be given to students like videos, more practical information with “augmented reality games” and “social learning”.

What all it takes to develop e-learning portal?

When an educational body wants to incur the e-learning method within their system the first question pops out, “How much does e-learning cost?”, it’s not at all an invalid question since we all have encountered many a times situations, where we are either over-charged for the services or don’t get the quality. 

To know beforehand the estimate of your e-learning cost would help you in many ways. The first-time app development costs are generally high and the ongoing costs are lower. 

The total costs include the software applications used to create the mobile app, the additional features added, content creation (which is an ongoing process) and the convenient user interface. 

The answer to cost question cannot be dependent on one factor only, as there are usually broad factors involved into it.

Once the final output is delivered. E-learning creates value for the business, a start-up cost, and running costs. Even if you have a pre-defined set budget figure in your mind, yet you must know how much the eLearning costs. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself to make sure you know what you’re paying for and what you’re getting.

     Content Creation

Content creation is the trickiest job since it does not approve of the mediocre approach. If you’re e-Learning company handles the content part than it incurs the additional money to learning cost, since the e-Learning company would have to source, write and review the content. On the contrary, if you provide the content from your end, then you can save a lot of money, in the latter situation your e-learning company would take your raw content and create SCORM compliant eLearning. 

     Attractive content 

In today’s time, we don’t have enough time to read the theory with no interesting feature set in, such as graphics, narration and easy to relate language. Not every e-Learning developer comes packed with these required features, but you need to put extra efforts to find the one because such developers are hard to find and do not come at a low price. In order to make your e-learning an investment you need to concentrate a little more on the attraction of your content, so the dual task of delivering the learning objective and telling a compelling story can be confined to your e-learning portal.

     A Global Approach

With the current technology, turning globalized, you would not restrict your platform in your region only; you would market your product as much as you can generate favorable revenue for your business. You need to pick the developing company, who is well-versed with a professional translation agency, so your content can be translated into different languages. Whichever vendor you choose, you’ll need to make sure that they deal with a professional translation agency. Don’t let your developers rely on Google Translate, although it’s the most favorite tool for most of us when it comes to translating the detailed points, are failed to be translated. With this feature, your product would attract a huge number of customers around the world and since you would provide the content in their language, they can build the trust factor with you.

     Different Functions are needed

People find any product more interesting, when it comes to an exciting and engaging feature, a plain e-learning module would not grab much attention. to make your e-learning module you should include video, animations, and gamification features, and you need a team of eLearning developers with the requisite experience. To imply these features, it would require the services of various minds, who would be skilled in gamification, Instructional Designers, developers, graphic designers, videographers and proofreaders, video presenters, researchers, and voice-over artists. Albeit, a simple e-learning module can also be successful, but to add some of the features would attract more customers for an engaging experience. The number and type of courses you will offer include video lessons, & texts, etc. You can decrease app development cost by giving preference only to the core features in the first version of the app.

     App Design

The most significant and vital point to decide the cost factor is App Design. A good design (UI & UX design) always motivates the learners to engage with the content and spend more time on the app. It would surely cost a little more, but it would be worth spending this much amount.

     App Platform

In order to reach vast numbers of audiences, create the e-learning platform not focusing on one major platform only, but try to cover as many as possible in the second version, it may cost but you don’t limit your product to the distinct users.

Tools for Developing Web Apps

  • iUI
  • jQT
  • iWebkit:
  • Adobe Captivate 7
  • Claro
  • Lectora Inspire

Tools for Developing Native Apps

  • Articulate Storyline
  • GoMo Learning
  • Phonegap
  • Rhodes by Motorola
  • Titanium
  • Upside2Go

The e-learning trend has changed globally and all the educational or training bodies offer distance education since it’s not only convenient but also cost-effective as well. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept of e-learning development to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight into your e-learning development requirement.

You can reach us at: 


Skype: aks141                                                    

Skype: ankit.techugo

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