27 Feb 2023

How Much Will Mobile App Development Cost in 2023?


Shivani Singh

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mobile app cost

How do you find app developers? This is the first question you should ask when building an app. As we live in the digital age, technology will continue to improve.

Mobile apps may be essential to your business’ growth, as they generated $318 billion in global revenue last year.

It is essential to find an app developer to help you achieve your business goals, whether you are starting a company or want to digitize one.

This blog will help you find the most suitable models for your project.

How much does mobile app development cost?

We are often asked the following questions when assessing mobile app development cost. Or What is the cost of app development companies versus hiring freelance developers ?”. Or “How much should my mobile app budget be?”

You may be surprised to learn that we don’t know the answer!

We don’t know how much app development costs, but we need to understand the app’s details to estimate the price. Many factors can affect the cost of app development. Likewise, the cost of every app development project is affected by many factors. We hope you’ll find this article helpful in determining app development costs.

The key factors that impact the cost of app development

Just one or two factors do not drive app development costs. So we want to dig deeper to uncover all factors that could affect the price of mobile app development and share them with you today!

1. The number of features

The number of features you wish to implement is one of the main reasons app development costs rise so quickly. An app feature is an action that the app must perform to achieve its intended results. Therefore, you must determine how long it takes to create each component. This will help you estimate the correct cost.

However, different digital agencies and software companies have their ways of judging. The app development cost depends on your project details and technical and business requirements. They will then combine the information and create a quote. They will usually show you the list of critical features, the backlog of features (where all the other elements are), and the development complexity.

In some cases, however, the estimate or quote may need to be more accurate and may exceed your expectations. Two scenarios are possible.

First, the first is a company that could be more reliable in providing a project estimate due to low-quality service. These companies usually seek to get money from you and sign a contract. You can avoid such situations by looking at their reviews, reviewing the apps they have created, and occasionally even contacting their customers.

This is the second scenario in which the project scope has changed due to changes made along the way. These are the three simple rules to avoid unexpected circumstances and stay within your budget.

  • Key features – Only highlight the essential features you wish to include in your app’s first version. Sticking to the plan and presenting it to your outsourcing team is necessary. However, you must be careful about how you manage the development process. This will ensure that your costs remain the same.
  • You can drop functionality If you feel that a particular functionality’s MVP structure is inappropriate, you can adjust the scope of work to meet budget constraints. Reach an agreement with your team to keep app development costs at the same level.

2. Platform selection

Are you considering iOS mobile app development? You may be interested in developing it for Android OS. You should know the costs of developing mobile apps for Android and iPhones.

App owners should consider factors like the market share of iOS and Android, smartphone proliferation, and prevalence when choosing which platform to start with. The most important thing is that development processes are different for each forum. They support other programming languages and use various development tools.

The question is: Is there an actual cost difference between Android and iOS applications? The truth is that there is no cost difference between iOS and Android apps. There is no significant cost difference if you develop an app on one of these platforms. However, if you want to create an app that works on multiple platforms, expect to pay twice the price. Another issue is that each medium requires a different team, which can increase the cost of app development.

3. The Structure and Location of a Development Team

Your IT outsourcing location has a significant impact on app development costs. For example, the development costs in the United Kingdom differ from those in the United States. 

Statista’s 2015 survey revealed that the three top countries for mobile app development are Australia, North America, and Singapore.

Let’s now look at each role in the app development process and how they may impact the overall app cost.

4. Business Analyst

You should know the importance of conducting a business analysis if you have ever worked with an outsourcing agency before you estimate the app development cost.

Business analysts are responsible for gathering requirements and identifying business and technical problems. They also conduct competitive analysis and define project value. This serves as the background for the planning phase.

Concrete planning is crucial to avoid costly scope changes and misinterpretations throughout development. The work of business analysts affects the cost of developing an app.

5. Designers

Today, people put beautiful designs on top. However, it’s almost only possible to create a great product with the help of a skilled designer who specializes in UI/UX design.

Designers are responsible for researching similar applications, analyzing user preferences and pain points, creating wireframes, and designing the final design. To include the rates for UI/UX designers in your app’s cost breakdown.

6. Engineer for mobile apps

Depending on which platform you will publish your app, you will need several app developers. They will be responsible for developing and publishing the app while considering all technical and business peculiarities.

7. QA engineer

QA developers run regression, load, and smoke tests to ensure stability. They also validate the UI and any other app components for compliance with the specification. If some testing steps still need to be completed, it can impact app development costs.

8. Project Manager

The PM coordinates all efforts and ensures that the product meets all requirements. The appropriate management approach can significantly affect the cost of mobile application development.

9. Maintenance costs

Last, it would help if you considered the costs of maintaining an app. Setting aside 15% to 20% of your annual budget for maintenance options for your app is common. Maintenance costs can include bug fixes, new functionality, and moving your app to a new OS version. The cost of your features and their complexity will also affect the price.

Maintenance is essential, even if there are no plans to expand the application or add functionality. As the application gets more complex, these costs can rise.

These are the core maintenance options:

  • Bug fixing
  • Optimizing code
  • Performance improvement
  • Creation of new features
  • Support for the latest OS versions
  • Supporting the most recent versions of 3d services

This is why collaboration with your technology partner and development team continues after the product is released. Software development is an ever-evolving business. Therefore,each software company has its post-release support policies.

Mobile App Development Cost Optimization Techniques

We have given you an estimate of the costs you will incur for your mobile app development project. However, there are many ways to reduce them. It won’t affect the quality of your app. It will only benefit you. Look at some of the most critical optimization techniques to decrease app development costs.

Also ReadWhat is the Cost of Building a Fintech App?

1. Identify your target audience

Before you start to develop an app, the first thing you need to ask is who is your target audience. This means you need to analyze their social profiles, market needs, goals, and many other questions. These questions will help you create a picture of your customer. You’ll now be able to move on to the next stage of our priority list.

2. Prioritize a feature list

You are prioritizing all the features that are important to you before you start the development process or outsource your team. Of course, creating the perfect app you envision won’t be possible. However, you’ll not only be able to increase your business’s value quickly, but you will also be able to make accurate project estimates and get feedback from potential customers.

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You can leave the features you don’t need in your backlog until the core product development kicks in. This allows you to gradually invest in your time and produce a minimal version. However, it may prove too risky to support all your capital in app development at once. Two main reasons are the risk that your app will fail in your target market and because of the dynamic trends within your target market.

3. Create a prototype

Once you have gotten to know your customers and created your priority features list, it’s time to combine your research with a prototype of your app. A prototype that only contains core features is an intelligent and wise strategy. After releasing it to your target audience, your main goal will be to gather their feedback. You’ll likely change the prototype more than a fully-fledged app.

4. Keep to your plan

Once you have left the MVP zone, it’s time to start actively creating and developing a mobile core app. Keeping to the feature list, you have already added to our backlog is essential. It will extend your deadline and considerably stretch your budget.

5. Hire an external team

Why outsource? It can bring you more financial benefits when your app development projects are completed. It is much cheaper to hire a local developer team to build an app than it is to create one. You don’t need to pay additional taxes, perks,or software. You can also take advantage of the low-cost services an outsource development team offers to produce high-quality products.

What are the Top Things to Consider When You Choose an App Development Company? [Checklist]

Many IT outsourcing companies offer different services. So how do you find reliable partners capable of delivering high-quality products?

It’s better than nothing to do extensive research on the IT companies you are considering and ensure they meet your product requirements.

These tips help you choose the right IT company for your project and build your needed app.

Tip #1: Determine the requirements for your application

It is important to identify the requirements of your application and determine how much funding you have available to help it develop. Also, establish the timeline for development. Determine the platforms that will support it.

It is also useful to learn about the most common mobile app development technologies. This will help you understand what type of app you need.

This will make it easier to choose a mobile app development company.

Tip #2: Choose full-service companies

Choose from software development companies that have a track record and offer a range of services to ensure you get highly skilled specialists.This company will provide all the resources you need to create an application.

Tip #3: Interview Developers Personally

Ask them important questions after you have selected the right app development agency.Ask them about their experience developing apps, briefly describe your app ideas and get their opinions on your project.This conversation will enable you to understand how app developers in this company came up with your idea and what they are willing to do to implement it.

Tip #4: Review the Portfolio of the Company

Ask company representatives to name the most popular apps they’ve created and then carefully examine them.

Consider whether or not you like the app’s design and whether they are functional and easy to use.

Being unique is key to the success of any application. So, are there any unique qualities to the apps created by this company, or are they just ordinary?

Tip #5 – Learn more about the company’s Privacy & Data Security Policy

It is important to discuss privacy and security concerns about your mobile app and data that are related to your business.Developers should have a confidentiality agreement in place to protect your privacy.Talking about intellectual property rights before you start work is also a good idea. Before you start working on a project, discussing these and other aspects of protecting personal data is essential.

Different Models for hire Mobile App Developers

After you have compiled a list of features, it is time to start looking for top app developers to create your app.

It isn’t easy to decide whether to hire a freelance developer or sign a legal agreement with an application development company. Each decision is based on your project details and is appropriate for different circumstances.

Let’s take a look at the details of each job choice.

  • Hire an In-House App Developer Team

If you are looking for app developers who can work remotely for your company or to build an in-house team, this option may be for you. This is the best option if you have to manage multiple projects at once.

In-house teams are often used by businesses that want to improve communication and control their employees. Working with an in-house team is easy because there are no time zones or language barriers.

This is a cost-effective but straightforward choice. However, hiring local experts in the US or Western Europe for your internal team might be expensive and complicated.

  • Hire Freelance App Developers

Because you don’t need to rent office space or equipment, working with freelance mobile app developers can be cheaper than hiring an in-house team. However, it can only perform short-term tasks and software projects, such as creating a website or repairing a shopping cart.

If you’re creating an app from scratch, a freelance app developer can only handle some of the mobile app development lifecycles. In this case, you must hire a few independent software developers, UI/UX designers, and QA engineers.

Because of team fragmentation, hiring freelance app developers to work on a large project can prove dangerous and costly. So instead, you will need to manage the project or hire one.

Finding a reliable freelance app developer could also be challenging. Some offer a project with bugs, while others may give up after a few weeks to get a better deal. You can also find an app developer via a freelance platform.

You can choose to group freelancers within a single area of your office. As a result, you can coordinate the development process and improve developer interaction.

  • Hire App Developers to Outsource

Consider outsourcing software development to a company or adding an app developer from that company to your team (whether you have an idea or a ready-made specification). Both cases will help you speed up time to market, reduce project costs, and increase product quality.

This solution doesn’t require you to rent an office or incur any additional costs. Outsourcing businesses can provide the best app developers available. They also manage the development team and deliver the product.

If you have limited funds, an app developer can be found abroad. You can also conduct market research to find the best outsourcing locations for your business.

When you choose to outsource companies, there are potential communication and time differences that could be very significant. Experienced vendors employ professionals who are fluent in English and have flexible communication schedules to ensure client comfort.

Unlike in-house employees, you will receive exceptional service for a fair price in the short term.

The Stages of Development: App Development Costs

Without the definition of the development stages and the associated costs, the answer to the question “How much does it cost for an app to build?” would not be complete.

Software development can be divided into five main stages:

  • Discovery stage
  • UX and UI design
  • Mobile app development
  • Quality assurance and app testing
  • Updates and maintenance on an ongoing basis

Let’s examine how each stage affects the final cost of developing an app.

1. Discovery Stage

The Discovery stage, also known as analysis and planning, is also called the analysis stage. This is the first step of a top app development company. Research shows that 70% of companies begin with project planning and analysis. This involves the work of UX/UI designers, business analysts, software architects, product owners, and other professionals.

  1. Conduct thorough market research and analysis of competitors
  2. Identification of the pain points of potential users and how the app can help them
  3. Prototypes created for app visualization
  4. Determining a timeline and setting up the steps for app development

The discovery stage can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000, sometimes even more. Planning and analysis can take between 2-5 weeks for most projects.

2. UX and UI Design

This stage of mobile app design is all about creating user flows. It outlines how users will interact and the interface. This is crucial for creating a user-friendly product that will be simple to use and meet their needs.

Designing an app can cost you anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000. Your application’s complexity and number of screens will determine the price.

3. Mobile App Development

What is the cost of building an app? You can see that many factors can affect the cost of building a mobile app.

App development costs are between $5,000 and $10,000. For a more complex mobile application, expect to pay between $50,000 and $75,000. This will add up to $300,000.

4. App Testing & Deployment

App development costs include the testing phase and deployment.

App development is only complete with quality assurance and testing. This is the phase that ensures your app is ready to go for customers and does not have any issues. It offers a great user experience.

App testing and QA services typically cost you between $5,000 and $10,000.

It is not easy to answer the question “How much does an app cost to build?because many factors can influence your decision. It depends on the features you choose to outsource and the company that you work with. A small to medium European app development company can charge between $25,000 and $115,000 for development. 


Many factors influence the cost of an app. These include the cost of the app, the developer team, the features you will create, and the type you are trying to make. The cost to build a mobile app is more expensive than you think. You can unlikely travel anywhere from $2,000 to $3,000. You can create an MVP and get approval from your target markets if you have between $15,000 and $25,000. You can’t assume that 100,000 people will make you the next Facebook app. It does, however, mean that you can make your development process more accessible if you have an external team. Connect with Techugo, an on demand app development company to get more insights.

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